Terminology Management

Terminology Management

In the beginning was the Word.

Efficient multilingual information management starts with the smallest information carrier, i.e. the word, and thus with – initially monolingual – terminology work.

Content management systems require terminological consistency in the source language to enable efficient reusability of the modules created. Likewise, translation memory systems can only be used sensibly and economically on the basis of professional terminology work.

In this context, the internationally recognized terminology scientist Professor Dr. Petra Drewer says: “Hardly any other area contributes more to cost savings as well as to quality improvement of (multilingual) TD than consistent terminology management. […] The basic prerequisite for the creation of terminologically consistent TD is the development, management and application of monolingual terminological databases …“

In the field of terminology management, I offer the following services:

  • Conducting workshops and training courses on terminology management
  • Development of a company-wide terminology management, including establishment and moderation of a terminology circle
  • Creation of monolingual and multilingual terminological databases, including definition of appropriate data categories
  • Development of an efficient terminology process
  • Advice on the selection of terminology management tools (terminology management systems, extraction tools, controlled-language checkers, authoring memory systems)

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